About Me
B.S Electrical Engineering
CSULB 2021 Graduate
Hello – My name is Patrick Legaspi. I am a recent graduate from California State University – Long Beach, majoring in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in control systems and Digital Signal Processing.
Through out my time at CSULB, I have completed classes such as Signals and Systems, Control System Design, Communications systems, and more.
Engineering Projects
An EKG device built using analog components. Op amps and passive filters were used to collect EKG signals while displaying them on an oscilloscope. (STILL IN PROGRESS)
The design of a 120V to 24V power supply using various methods such as linear voltage regulators or SMPS buck converters. (STILL IN PROGRESS)
WIth the use of many sensors, an autonomous vehicle can navigate a room without bumping into objects. (STILL IN PROGRESS)